Our Services

new york Foreign student health insurance


  • $0 ~ 20 Premium
  • New York State Sponsored Program 
  • Dental & Vision Available
  • Gym Reimburse
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New york

Essential Plan

Is it really free?

Yes, Essential Plan is a NY State sponsored program developed to provide health insurance to international students with no income.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any New York state resident who carries a valid visa can apply.

When can I apply?

You can apply every month. The policy effective date will depend on your application submission date.

What are the benefits of Essential Plan?

Primary Care Physician / Specialist office visits, emergency room / Albulance use, surgery, prescription, and other basic medical benefits are covered. You can also enroll for dental and vision benefits.

Is Essential Plan an annual contract?

Yes, it is an annual contract that can be renewed each year.

Who is the insurance provider?

United HealthCare

Is Essential Plan considered a Public Charge?


What information is required to apply?

We need your basic personal information (name, date of birth, contact, etc.), home address, passport and visa information.

What qualifies for Gym Reimbursement?

You can get a refund for $200 payment within 6 month period. (Annual Max $400) You must visit the gym at least 50 times within 6 months. Receipts (or any proof of visitation) must be provided to the insurance provider in order to claim your refund.