Essential plan
– The Essential Plan is a NY State sponsored program developed to provide health insurance to international students with no income. It also offers quality health insurance to working adults with lower incomes who do not qualify for Medicaid.

– It has no deductible, so the plan starts paying for your health care right away.
– It covers comprehensive benefits, including dental and vision, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drugs and more.
– It also covers free preventive care like routine doctor exams and screenings to keep you healthy.

Eligibility Requirements
– Are an adult who is 19 – 64 years of age. Individuals under 19 years old are eligible for Child Health Plus, not for the Essential Plan.
– New York State resident.
– Meet income eligibility requirements. (Examples: single adults earning up to $25,520; adults in family of four earning up to $52,400)
– U.S. citizens or meet immigration status requirements.
– Meet certain income eligibility requirements tied to household size. View income levels for the Essential Plan.

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